Sooyoungro English Service
Antioch International Ministry (AIM) is the English ministry of Sooyoungro Church in Busan, South Korea. We are an international community, made up of people from over 25 nations, who are committed to our Lord Jesus Christ and to one another as the body of Christ. We believe in the authority and sufficiency of the Bible, to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
AIM is built on four foundational principles;
Worship: the Bible, Prayer, Praise
Fellowship: Living life together
Discipleship:A commitment to growing as a Christian.
Evangelism/Missions: Reaching the lost in our city, nation, and the world.
Whether you are new to Busan or have been here for decades, you are welcome at AIM.
For more information visit us at
Time and Place
Time: Sunday, 11:00am
Place: Ellev Building, B2
Contact:,, 051-714-6541
Ministries and Programs
Children’s Ministry
College and Young Adults (CYA)
Discipleship Training Classes
Small Groups (Life Groups)
Sunday Morning Prayer Ministry
Classes: New Members, Baptism
Back to School Event
Church-wide Picnics and Outings
Coffee Break and Bible Study Fellowship Groups
Friday Night Prayer Meetings
Christian Counseling
Inland and Overseas Missions