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“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭3:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The Sooyoungro International Ministry

(SIM) was born out of this dedication to world missions as a way of serving and ministering to the foreigners living in Korea. 

Beginning with the founding of the English ministry, there are now 12 different ministries within SIM.

(English, Mongolia, Japan, Philippines, Russia, China, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Multicultural Sunday School)

SIM is the coalition of all these diverse ministries. We are a faith community that strives to pursue unity in our diversity; as we come together to overcome the cultural, historical, and language differences through the same Gospel of Jesus Christ that binds us together. 


The primary objective of SIM is to minister to and serve the many foreign nationals living and working in the wider Busan area. We aim to provide a robust ministry where believers can come together for worship, fellowship, and discipleship.  We are also dedicated to evangelizing and ministering to non-believers, preaching the Gospel message to them and building them up to be disciples of Christ. Apart from these, we are also actively involved in providing services to help foreigners in Busan by providing legal, medical, and social services. 


Through these various ministries it is our prayer and hope that our members would hear and be transformed by the Gospel message, be discipled and equipped for every good works. And finally when they return home, it is our vision that our members would be re-commissioned as missionaries to their families, communities and countries; transforming and bringing life to their hometowns and countries. 

We hope to be a ministry where called-out disciples are built up and strengthened and at the same time, sent out into the world as salt and light.

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