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가죽 작업 도구

International Workers

"Our goal is to serve the international workers in the Busan metropolitan area. We understand that it can be very difficult working in a foreign country that has a different culture and unfamiliar worker laws. We want to work diligently to meet the needs of our international worker population through providing a context for cultural education, worker assistance, and spiritual encouragement."


Education & Culture

Working in a foreign country with a different language and culture can be difficult. Our desire is to create a context for workers to learn about the Korean culture and language. We provide programs for language training and cultural awareness.

To do that, we provide the below programs:​ 

-  Korean Academy

-  Afternoon Class (Tutoring)

-  English Academy

-  Computer Class

의사와 환자

Worker Assistance

Working in a foreign country can be challenging. We will serve the workers through providing a counseling center that assists in solving employment disputes, creating a context to build community with other workers, and assist with any health related problems.

We provide these programs for support through our counseling center.

- Worker Disputes

- Medical and Hospital Assistance

- Field Visits

이미지 제공: Patrick Fore

Spiritual Encouragement

Every international worker experience struggles and issues. Through our programs we desire to provide spiritual encouragement and emotional support.

We provide small group meetings to improve your worker experience.

Small groups include : 

-  Bible Study

-  Prayer

-  Encouragement

© 2024 by Sooyoungro International Ministry

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