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Multicultural Families

“Multicultural family ministry is to serve international families residing in Korea to enhance the quality of households by providing programs for parents and children and supporting family including marital counseling.”

교회의 아이들

Children Ministry

Growing up in Korea as a multicultural child is not easy.

Therefore, our ministry aims to focus on children to grow in high self-esteem and confidence.

To do that, we provide the programs below

-  Korean Academy

-  Afternoon Class (Tutoring)

-  English Academy

-  Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents

-  Worldview class


Marital Ministry

Multicultural marriage is one of the bravest things you can do in a relationship. Therefore, there are more challenges and obstacles compared to other relationships.

To that, we aim to support in creating a healthy marriage and marriage restoration.

We provide these programs to support your marriage

-  Pre-marriage Counselling

-  Korean Academy

-  Divorced

-  Remarriage

-  Women’s ministry

-  Men’s ministry

-  Other interests

가족 초상화 (5)

Parental Ministry

Every family has struggles and issues, especially when it comes to parenting, it is unavoidable. Therefore, knowing how to deal with your family is vital in retaining harmony in your household.

We provide these services that improve your parenting qualities

-  Parent-Children Counselling

-  Domestic Violence Counselling

-  Worldview class

-  Parent Education Programs


Upcoming Events:

Korean Academy Starting Date: 3/6

May Event

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